Waiver of Responsibility By checking I agree, I give my permission for my child to: Participate in all activities held at, or sponsored by, Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall, Catholic Charities Terre Haute, the archdioceses of Indianapolis, or any agent thereof. I also give my permission for my child to participate in any field trip, or outing, sponsored by Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall, Catholic Charities Terre Haute, or their agents thereof. I also give my permission for my child to be used in any promotional material (videotaped, photographed, or audio taped) by Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall, Catholic Charities Terre Haute, the news media, or any of the above-designated agent(s). I realize that the above-mentioned media may be used for publicity or educational purposes. I also give my permission for my child to be interviewed, photographed, video or audio taped, by the news media. I also give my permission for my child to participate in support groups and counseling sessions provided by Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall, Catholic Charities Terre Haute, or any agent thereof. I also give permission for my child to participate in any written or verbal surveys conducted by Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall, Catholic Charities Terre Haute, or any designated agent or collaborator. I realize that activities at Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall are educational, recreational, and supportive in nature. I also realize that outside organizations provide activities and field trips for members of Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall. I give my permission for my child to participate in these activities and field trips. I will not hold Ryves Youth Center at Etling Hall, Catholic Charities Terre Haute, or any agent thereof responsible for any accident happening to my child. I also give my permission for my child to receive emergency first aid and medical treatment in case of accident or illness.
If you have any questions or problems feel free to call us at (812) 235-1265, or stop by at 1356 Locust Street. Our hours are 8:00 am-5:00pm (Preschool) and 1:00pm-9:00pm (Youth Center).
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