Ryves Preschool has existed to serve children and families experiencing homelessness, living in a shelter, or multiple families residing in a single household. Our educators are committed to providing children with the necessary social and academic skills they will need to succeed.
A Word from our Preschool Director:
"My goal for our students and their families is growth. As the program's newest director, I am passionate about helping our children grow in their curiosity of the world around them. My hope for our students when they leave our classroom each day is a sense of eagerness to share what they learned with their families too. At this tender age, children are learning critical concepts that will impact their lives in and out of the classroom."
- Sydney McQueary
Ryves Preschool provides full-day educational programming at no cost to its families. Those who enroll in the program can expect a well-rounded curriculum for their children to prepare them for kindergarten.
Our Year in Review
In 2021, 30 students attended our program. Our staff to student ratio allows our children the opportunity to engage with their peers while also receiving direct instruction that's designed to enhance their learning in the classroom.
Ryves Preschool is now accepting applications for the upcoming school year. To qualify, children must be between the ages of 3-5 years old and live in any of the following housing conditions:
Experiencing homelessnessFor more information or to register your child, contact Ryves Preschool at 812-235-1265.
At Ryves Preschool, we strive to create a safe and supportive learning environment for every child to grow. We believe that children who are experiencing poverty deserve the same access to high-quality education. Your gift can leave a lasting impact on the lives of our students.